Does washing a cloth with Najees along with other pure clothes in a washing machine ( just using one batch of water , and not replacing the water for a second or thrid wash ) make the pure clothes Najees as well ? Also , how to clean a cloth where the Najees was too small that it dried up too quickly and I can't find where exactly the Najis was ?
Text Answer
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
The matter depends on the appearance of impurity or its smell in the clothes ( after your wash them ) , but usually if the amount of impurity is small compared to the pure clothes , it does not affect the pure clothes إن شاء الله . And you should know that the best way to wash such clothes is to wash the impurities on their own first , then wash it with the rest of the clothes . And Allah عز وجل knows best .