I prayed in my relative's house and before me in the room was a balloon of a number (for example , a balloon of the number 3). This balloon was of the birthday of the child of my relative. Would this affect my Salah ? Also, there was another balloon on which was written happy birthday, this was also before me in the place I would pray , but I moved it to the side of the room and it was quite far from me. Would this affect my Salah ? The second type of balloon was on my side not before me. [ We didn't go to their house for the birthday , but we went later on , after a few days/one day maybe ]
Text Answer
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
No. It will not affect your prayer , by the Will of Allah عز وجل . But do not forget to advice them if you can.