Why Shayk Muhammad Bin Hizam changed his stance regarding Shayk Abdurrahman al Adani
December 24th 2021
Question ID : 61c5ad9bdf295773ab4e91cb
Shaykh , we would like to clarify few things related to Shaykh Muhammad Bin Hizam's حفظه الله recent Fatwa regarding Shaykh Abdur Rahman al Adani. We want to know the haqq وفقنا الله Firstly, what made or why did Shaykh Ibn Hizam حفظه الله changed his stance regarding Shaykh Abdur Rahman al Adani ? Because previously I have seen that he had refuted Abdur Rahman al Adani. Is there any specific reason for that ? Secondly, what was the issue of Shaykh Abdur Rahman al Adani , Muhammad al Imam etc. Was it only they were against Shaykh Yahya al Hajoori حفظه الله or is it something else. ?
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